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HDR Photography, Sculpture

High Dynamic Range

For the uninitiated, High Dynamic Range photography is a method used to accentuate all of the details of an image. It brings light to the shadows and it it brings detail back to the bright areas. Essentially, it allows the photographer to produce an image that's more like what the eye would see.


To achieve this we use various software products such as Photomatix and Topaz. It is possible to create an HDR effect using one image such is the ability of the software these days. However, I prefer to use at least 3 images - one at the correct exposure, one under-exposed and one over-exposed. I use a Canon EOS5D MKII and I set the bracket to the widest setting possible when preparing my camera to shoot for HDR.


Of course, with all of the tools at your disposal these days, it's difficult not to experiment and see what effects you can apply to your imagery. There is absolutely no doubt that some traditionalists will be horrified by some of the images on this site. When we used 35mm film I was in the same camp. But now, being as I also own an IT company, I've come to embrace technology. Where HDR is concerned, the almost 'painted' appearance you can create from a fairly bland image, appeals to the artist in me.



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